Friday, March 14, 2014

Attention : Tatiomax Users

We, at TATIOMAX Plus+ or T/M PHARMA CO., would like to inform our buyers to be always aware and alert of untrusted sellers who carry the Tatiomax brand Reduced Glutathione and Hydrolyzed Collagen Injectable product. These untrusted sellers may carry FAKE/IMITATION or even VANDALIZED the said product in order to be in competition with the true Company or to ruin the Company's well-founded name. We would also like to inform the general public that we have created our very own approved formulation of our product in order to prevent untrusted sellers to copy or create unauthorized reproductions.

We advise our buyers to legally purchase Tatiomax Plus+ products only at trusted outlets and clinics recognized by the Head Office of Tatiomax Plus+ and its affiliated companies.

It is always a good reminder to all that though the product you assume may be legit is cheap to buy, the risk of endangering ones' health brings greater consequences. Tatiomax Plus+ has the new Tatiomax logo, the letter "T" surrounded by veins and flowers. To add, we advise you to confirm if you are dealing with a legitimate T/M PHARMA CO. retailer by contacting us and giving us the name of the person or business you are dealing with.

To be on the safe side, we advise our buyers to contact T/M PHARMA CO. directly if willing to purchase our products. We would also like to ask your help and awareness to inform us immediately if you have any doubts or any suspicion of the retailer selling our products and we will take action, legally if necessary, to prevent any endangerment to our valued and loyal customers.

Your attention and awareness is well appreciated.

"You can cheat the people once, but you can't cheat them all the time."


The Management