With just a difference of small amount for wholesale price these resellers prefer the cheap, fake, counterfeit glutathione products in order to gain more profits and be more competitive among the other sellers who sells authentic glutathione product. They do not think about their consumers. So pls beware!!
To be on the safe side, we advise our buyers to contact T/M PHARMA CO. directly if willing to purchase our products. We would also like to ask your help and awareness to inform us immediately if you have any doubts or any suspicion of the retailer selling our products and we will take action, legally if necessary, to prevent any endangerment to our valued and loyal customers.
To be on the safe side, we advise our buyers to contact T/M PHARMA CO. directly if willing to purchase our products. We would also like to ask your help and awareness to inform us immediately if you have any doubts or any suspicion of the retailer selling our products and we will take action, legally if necessary, to prevent any endangerment to our valued and loyal customers.
Your attention and awareness is well appreciated.
“You can cheat the people once, but you can’t cheat them all the time.”
“You can cheat the people once, but you can’t cheat them all the time.”
Great post and products. http://maxkiwiteam.co.nz/