T/M Pharma Co is the owner of TATIOMAX trademark brand. However, we are still receiving many reports regarding TATIOMAX which we don't distribute.
A lot are still selling those counterfeit products. These products did not come from T/M Pharma Co and no other company should use this brand name.
Duplicating the label, designs, graphics or Product Name is illegal and punishable offense.
Fake and repackaged products are everywhere and easily obtained in the market.
Some resellers have even gone to the extent of touting a known imitation as the original. If one is concerned about one's health & safety, make it a point that what you get is the original, not fake.
The practice of some unscroupulous traders, repacking unknown contents into nicely labelled boxes with a well known brand name has been around for many years. Consumers are easily misled into believing that these are the original.
Be careful, these products are not being monitored and registered to FDA so it's easy for them to print known ingredients that would help them to sell the counterfeit one.False labeling is easy especially if it's not registered. The real content itself is left unknown and could be dangerous. Unrecognized product ingredients would definitely cause harmful effect to our body if consumed or taken long term use.